Preparation of architectural and engineering drawings

Memarliq isci ve muhendis layihelerinin hazirlanmasi

Before the actual construction of buildings and facilities can begin, it is necessary to carry out specific design processes which include a wide range of jobs concerning the development of architectural, structural, technological, engineering, and design solutions.

The staff of our company "MStudio" consists of qualified professionals with extensive experience; designers and engineers that will carry out design objectives at a very high quality, guarenteed.

We develop residential, industrial, tourist, and entertainment facility projects, as well as trade, education and health services. Also we provide services of integrated design with housing estates, areas of low-rise buildings, multi-storey parking facilities, etc.

These projects are carried out in several stages.


Technical assignment development. This includes customer communication, definition of recommendations and requirements for the project, on the basis of which the overall architectural appearance of the object is made up.


Conceptual design of the project, which involves investigating the area of future construction, as well as preparing design and architectural solutions. All the necessary documentations and computer models of the object are developed in this phase.


This is the final development of the project, including all paperwork. With the obtained results, the customer can contact the construction company at his own discretion, and immediately start the construction of the building.

We carry out building and structural design in compliance with all the requirements of SNIP in Baku and other regions of Azerbaijan as well as abroad.