Maquettes, sıgnboards, stands

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In order to avoid inaccuracies in the design documentation in the early stages of its development, layouts are carefully made. They allow you to visualize and holistically perceive the architect`s idea. At the same time, and which happens quite often, companies resort to prototyping which has proved to be a very successful advertising step - even the most colorful booklet or fact sheet will not be able to influence the customer as much as a professionally produced layout.


Prototypes of industrial models, miniatures of commercial buildings or residential complexes provide the potential buyer with a complete picture of the facade, the interior layout of the premises, the infrastructure, any landscape options, etc.


Our company doesn’t provide prototyping services until after the first year. During fieldwork and layout manufacturing, we are able to acquire vast experience, and assemble a team of professionals with creative and technical potential for the creation of any architectural and industrial layout. Currently our model workshops produce the following types of models: architectural, planning, industrial, gift, conceptual and presentation models.


We produce layouts of residential buildings, shopping malls, theaters and stadiums, as well as entire neighborhoods and industrial complexes. Layouts can be created at all scales, sizes and levels of complexity.

One of the most common ways to attract potential customers to a company or service is a bright and original sign or plaque. And if you intend on successfully participating in an exhibition or work within a shopping mall, then without a well designed stand, this is impossible.


For many years our company has worked in this direction and will manufacture high quality signs, plaques and stands of any complexity. The high professionalism of our staff allows them to implement the most creative ideas.


We can design stands, signboards and plaques so that the whole structure will be unique and at the same time, meet the requirements of the customer along side the company`s style. Design is developed individually.